Do this now to save your business

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I am in trouble. “I need cash right now and my business is bleeding every single month, I’m losing money. What should I do?”

People that ask me these questions, if you want to save your business and you have a business that’s in trouble and you need to fix it right now, the first thing you need to do is to really look at your cost. I know so many businesses where they were doing great, making a lot of money but because of cash flow issues, they failed because they were unable to make overheads, payment, rental, staff, expenses.


If your business is in trouble right now, the first thing that you want to be looking at is the cost. Now, if you’re someone who does not have a business and you think. “This is not relevant to me.” Well think again.

This applies to you. In fact, most people on a nine to five who’s doing well, the only reason why they get in trouble is never really because they’re not earning enough but rather because of their lifestyle or because of their expenses.

So whether you’re a business owner or you’re someone working nine to five the first thing, if you’re in financial trouble right now, take a look at your expenses and notice how you’re bleeding money because of your expenses and think about what are the things you can cut out immediately, whether it’s the fancy dinners if you’re on a nine to five or it is because of the fancy things that you don’t actually need in that business.


Can you really afford the car you are driving or should you drive a smaller car. The house that your bought might be a good investment, but can you afford the monthly payment. Maybe a smaller house to start with and later expand.

If you are in financial trouble right now, if you want to save your business or if you are in financial crisis in your personal life, take a look at your costs because that is so much easier to control rather than to trying to increase the level of income.

Every rand that you save is basically 5 rand you avoid in sales and if you come from that mind-set, that’s how you’re able to make that fix right now.


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Start a business with no money

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Antonio Jones and Quinton Saul 

I recently attended a workshop for Small to medium enterprises and made a few electronic notes on my  smartphone. The topic was ‘Start a business with no Money”. And I know out of my own experience as an entrepreneur, MD of AR Jones Engineering, that the  excuse of the lack of money or funds are used a lot.

Questions like:

“Why don’t you scale you business?” … Not enough funds to grow.

“Why don’t you leave your job to work full time in your business?” … Not enough funds yet.

The reality is that you will never have enough funds at any stage of your business. You have to make use of the resources you have to make it work. I can remember in the first 3 months of my business I was constantly looking for ways to get funds. Luckily and never got a loan or applied for funds, because 1 year later i manage to grow my business without any funds or loan.

Tony’s newest program

Here are my notes (It is only Key learning points. Find your own relevance):

Think beyond a job
Most billionaires started a business with no money
All mindset.
I started my business without money

Choice. Choose to be successful

What's standing between you and success?

Talent is irrelevant to success
Success is a choice
Need to believe in yourself
Visualize the life you dreamed of

People want to do business with people who believe in themselves

Love what you do. Passion
Only way to do great work is to love what you do

Gratitude is the spring board for happiness or successful
Become a nice person. Like you

Positive outlook

Take action. Just do it
Don’t wait for perfect conditions
Fear of failure
Have to fail to have success in life

Get Ready! Your breakthrough awaits at


Work on a business plan for the last 2 years?

The tiny steps. Small steps will lead to better confidence
Use a few hours of the day or weekend to work on your dream
Spent small bits of money to invest.
A few sales a month

It does not matter how poor you are
But act as if you are rich
Never act desperately
Appear successful. Confident

Challenge the status quo
Get out of your comfort zone
Learn new things
Do things differently

Focus on the important stuff
Get up at 5. Exercise
Follow up on meetings Prospecting
Spent time with family in the morning

Be a risk taker
Learn from your failure

Surround yourself with positive people
Model the success of others
Soar with the eagles that fly high

Sales are everything

If you buy stuff you don’t need you will soon have to sell stuff you need.

Money allows you to take on opportunities.

Keep trying. Never give up.

Plan. But keep updating it

Do work self
Don’t take no for an answer
Wait till break-even before quitting day job.



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10 Tips for the First-Time Business Owner

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Advice from a start up company owner

I encourage up-and-comers and established entrepreneurs to mentor the next generation of dream-seekers; for it is this insight and insider education that will provide the foundation for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. With that, here are 10 pieces of advice that I wish someone had given to me before I launched my first venture.

  1. Focus. Focus. Focus.
    Many first-time entrepreneurs feel the need to jump at every “opportunity” they come across. Opportunities are often wolves in sheep’s clothing. Avoid getting side-tracked. Juggling multiple ventures will spread you thin and limit both your effectiveness and productivity. Do one thing perfectly, not 10 things poorly. If you feel the need to jump onto another project, that might mean something about your original concept.
  2. Know what you do. Do what you know.
    Don’t start a business simply because it seems sexy or boasts large hypothetical profit margins and returns. Do what you love. Businesses built around your strengths and talents will have a greater chance of success. It’s not only important to create a profitable business, it’s also important that you’re happy managing and growing it day in and day out. If your heart isn’t in it, you will not be successful.
  3. Say it in 30 seconds or don’t say it at all.
    From a chance encounter with an investor to a curious customer, always be ready to pitch your business. State your mission, service and goals in a clear and concise manner. Fit the pitch to the person. Less is always more.
  4. Know what you know, what you don’t know and who knows what you don’t.
    No one knows everything, so don’t come off as a know-it-all. Surround yourself with advisors and mentors who will nurture you to become a better leader and businessman. Find successful, knowledgeable individuals with whom you share common interests and mutual business goals that see value in working with you for the long-term.
  5. Act like a startup.
    Forget about fancy offices, fast cars and fat expense accounts. Your wallet is your company’s life-blood. Practice and perfect the art of being frugal. Watch every dollar and triple-check every expense. Maintain a low overhead and manage your cash flow effectively.
  6. Learn under fire.
    No business book or business plan can predict the future or fully prepare you to become a successful entrepreneur. There is no such thing as the perfect plan. There is no perfect road or one less traveled. Never jump right into a new business without any thought or planning, but don’t spend months or years waiting to execute. You will become a well-rounded entrepreneur when tested under fire. The most important thing you can do is learn from your mistakes–and never make the same mistake twice.
  7. No one will give you money.
    There, I said it. No one will invest in you. If you need large sums of capital to launch your venture, go back to the drawing board. Find a starting point instead of an end point. Scale down pricey plans and grandiose expenditures. Simplify the idea until it’s manageable as an early stage venture. Find ways to prove your business model on a shoestring budget. Demonstrate your worth before seeking investment. If your concept is successful, your chances of raising capital from investors will dramatically improve.
  8. Be healthy.
    No, I’m not your mother. However, I promise that you will be much more productive when you take better care of yourself. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a 9-to-5 profession. Working to the point of exhaustion will burn you out and make you less productive. Don’t make excuses. Eat right, exercise and find time for yourself.
  9. Don’t fall victim to your own B.S.
    Don’t talk the talk unless you can walk the walk. Impress with action not conversation. Endorse your business enthusiastically, yet tastefully. Avoid exaggerating truths and touting far reaching goals as certainties. In short, put up or shut up.
  10. Know when to call it quits.
    Contrary to popular belief, a smart captain does not go down with the ship. Don’t go on a fool’s errand for the sake of ego. Know when it’s time to walk away. If your idea doesn’t pan out, reflect on what went wrong and the mistakes that were made. Assess what you would have done differently. Determine how you will utilize these hard-learned lessons to better yourself and your future entrepreneurial endeavors. Failure is inevitable, but a true entrepreneur will prevail over adversity.
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Mindset is what keeping your behind

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It’s all About the Attitude
It’s what you say to yourself. People often hear the words “entrepreneurship and investing” and immediately get intimidated. It’s overwhelming. “Oh my God there’s so much information, it’s so complicated, everybody’s using jargon and throwing out all this information. It becomes almost unbearable. I know when I started out it seemed overwhelming to me, so I had to check on my attitude.

Many of you are saying—just like I did:
• “Oh I don’t have the time,”
• “No, I don’t want to read that book,”
• “No, I’m not going to study that newsletter,”
• “No, I’m just not interested in investing,”
• “I don’t have the time,”
• “It’s too much work,”
• “It’s just too hard,”
• “I’m just not good with numbers.”

Now, if that’s your attitude and that’s what you’re saying to yourself, and you are not willing to change those thoughts and attitudes, then I’m going to guarantee you right now that you do not want to read any further. This article will not do you any good if you do not have the right attitude. All the negative thoughts that we say to ourselves, and I do it myself, are all just excuses. Often, I make up an excuse because it just seems easier. It seems more comfortable. The reality is that the negative attitude is what keeps me from growing.

The negative attitude keeps me stuck in my own, imaginary limitations. The negative attitude has to go. There’s a great, great book called, As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. In it he said, “A person cannot directly choose his or her circumstances, but he or she can choose their thoughts.


And so, indirectly, surely shape his or her circumstances.” What he is saying is that your thoughts create your future. Your thoughts create your reality. What you say to yourself and believe becomes true in your life. I believe that if you say, “I can’t,” well, then you can’t. If you say, “It’s too much work,” then it’s going to be too much work. If you say, “I don’t have the time,” then you’re not going find the time. If
starting a business or investing is not a priority to you, then you are going come up with every excuse in the world of why you cannot do it.

Your action for the next few days is to examine your mindset or attitude. Do you find more excuses then solutions? Is everything you want to conquer to much of a hassle? Work on your mindset to able you to find get results, not excuses.

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6 Things Awesome about Solopreneurs

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Solopreneurs are a powerful and growing force in today’s career landscape. A solopreneur is “a business owner who works and runs his or her business alone.”


A solopreneur is also the proverbial chief cook and bottle washer, who started the business, owns the business, runs the business and is responsible for the business’ failure or success.

A solopreneur is not the same as an entrepreneur, however. Both assume risk and build a business, but a solopreneur does it alone.

The entrepreneur engages traditional forms of business-building, including the hiring of employees. But the solopreneur chooses whether to grow the business with contract agreements or outsourced providers rather than the standard model of employer/employee.

The benefits of solopreneurship are better experienced than reported, yet if you’re curious about the lives of these disentangled, high-risk, high-reward captains of their own fate and are considering taking the same plunge, here’s what you can expect.

1. You discover the power of automation and outsourcing.

The solopreneur must automate processes and outsource tasks. In the absence of minions to do his or her bidding, a successful solopreneur learns to create streamlined systems that accomplish crucial business tasks.

2. You live to work.

Solopreneurs don’t have to go it alone. They can just as easily shutter their shops and start papering the town with their resumes. They can go right back to the corporate grind. But, why? Work is an adventure — a passionate engagement in the excitement of life. That’s worth living for!


3. You choose everything about your business.

It takes a lot of decision-making to run the business. From the carpet’s hue to the company’s slogan, you decide everything. If you’re a sucker for control, you’ve chosen the right line of work.


4. You can create your own schedule.

A 9-to-5, a 5-to-9, or a 9-to-9? What gives? You’re the one in charge. Deciding how, when, where and how long to work is completely up to you. Most solopreneurs, though, don’t choose to binge-watch Netflix, sleep in or loll, poolside. And “creating your own schedule” is just another way to describe the inflexibility and demands of working all the time.

5. You get to keep what you make.

Yes, you have to pay taxes. Quite a bit, actually. On the other hand, your business profits are yours alone. You can choose to incorporate as an LLC or an S-corp, but either way, the money your business makes is the money that you make. Invest wisely.


6. You are responsible for your own success.

You have to take big risks if you want big rewards. Solopreneurs internalize this truth. Rather than leave their success to the whimsy of an employer, they choose to take their success firmly in hand.



Do you notice a common thread running through these 6 awesome things? Each can be tweaked ever so slightly, and ultimately turn into a terror.

In short, your passion for work may morph into a soul-sucking monster. Your high-earning potential may push you into a miserable tax morass. The necessity of making every decision yourself may burden you with a relentless mental strain.

So, the life of a solopreneur is not for anyone. It takes an iron stomach and a clear head to pull off this kind of self-brutalization and insane risk.

What’s more, these risks of soloentrepreneurship are high, and you can completely dispense with any level of normalcy

You hear people complain of their “healthcare,” and you think whathealth care? Others brag about their four weeks of accrued vacation time, and you smirk about your unlimited vacation time. Conventional cubicle dwellers moan about their mean boss, but you know the meanest boss that ever walked the planet — yourself.

The risks are high. The burdens are great. Yet the experience is transformative.

The few who have tried and succeeded at solopreneurship invariably achieve great things. Whether they continue as solopreneurs, metamorphize into entrepreneurs or leave it all behind them, they know what the solopreneur life is about, and they have the glory stories to tell about it.


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Easy way to clean your HOME or OFFICE

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There’s Now A Quicker Way to Clean Your House

You Book
Book a home cleaning from your phone, tablet or computer. We connect you with a cleaner in minutes.

We Clean
The trusted, experienced and insured cleaner arrives to give your place an awesome clean.

You Relax
That’s it! Now you can sit back, relax and figure out what to do with all that extra time.


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5 Signs You’re Successful — Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It

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If you’re ambitious, you’re bound to feel like a failure from time to time. Lofty goals lead to inevitable moments when you aren’t yet living up to your expectations.

We live in a world that reinforces this feeling. Though most people won’t admit it — other than the guy with the ‘He who dies with the most toys wins’ bumper sticker — in the back of our minds, we equate material possessions with success.

It’s a shame we fall prey to materialistic thinking because we certainly know better. A study by Strayer University found that 90% of Americans believe happiness is a bigger indicator of success than power, possessions or prestige. Digging a little deeper, 67% defined success as “good relationships with friends and family,” and 60% said it is loving what you do for a living. Only 20% stated that monetary wealth determines success.

But saying and doing are two very different things.

When it comes to success, our eyes often lead us astray. It’s hard not to feel like the most successful people are those with the biggest houses, the most expensive cars, and the most influential friends. Regardless of what you achieve, there’s always someone with more, and this can make you feel like you’re losing. The problem isn’t your lack of toys; it’s believing that toys indicate true success.

Real success is about who you are and how far you’ve come. If you ever worry that you’re not as successful as you should be, you may be evaluating yourself against the wrong criteria. Sometimes you just need a reminder as to what you’ve really accomplished in life. The success indicators that follow will help you do just that.

1. You’re no longer the center of the universe. We all know “successful” people who act like they’re the center of the universe. It’s their world and the rest of us just live in it…right? That’s not success. True success requires the ability to feel empathy — to realize that other people’s feelings and dreams are just as important as ours, and we cannot succeed without them.



2.You stay positive. Hope and optimism are essential components of a happy life. If you dwell on the things that go wrong, you become bitter and resentful. When that happens, you fail — no matter what you may have achieved. Real success means always seeing the bright side and believing you have the power to make even the worst situations better.

3. You know that failure isn’t forever. You’ve learned that the only people who never fail are those who don’t try. When you fail, you don’t automatically assume that you’re a failure. Instead, you embrace each failure as an opportunity to learn something — and then you move on. If you still struggle with this at times, know that you’ll never experience true success until you learn to embrace failure. Your mistakes pave the way for your success by revealing when you’re on the wrong path. The biggest breakthroughs typically come when you’re feeling the most frustrated and the most stuck. It’s this frustration that forces you to think differently, to look outside the box and see the solution you’ve been missing.


4. You ask for help when you need it. Refusing to ask for help, no matter how much you’re struggling, is a sign of emotional immaturity. Asking for help means that you no longer feel like you have something to prove by being perfect. It shows you aren’t afraid of people discovering your weaknesses and you understand no one succeeds alone.

5. You no longer care what other people think. You only worry about what other people think when you still feel like you have something to prove. Conversely, you know you’ve “made it” when you don’t worry about that anymore — when you’re true to yourself and your principles, and satisfied with your life. You know you’ve made it when you understand that other people’s opinions are just that — opinions. They have no effect on reality. They don’t change who or what you are.

Bringing It All Together

There’s no sense in feeling like a failure just because you think you should have a better job, a bigger house, or a nicer car. Real success comes from the inside, and it’s completely independent of circumstance.

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9 Awesome Online Courses for Only $10

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Udemy offers thousands of online courses that movers, shakers, and entrepreneurs like you can enroll in to better themselves and their businesses.

LINK below:

Start learning on Udemy today!

$10 Course Promo Code: ENDMARCH10 Expires March 31, 2017 

What if we told you there was an awesome opportunity to invest in yourself, improve your knowledge, and take your skills to the next level … for only $10?

We thought that might get your attention.

Udemy offers thousands of online courses that movers, shakers, and entrepreneurs like you can enroll in to better themselves and their businesses. And the best part is that we’ve picked 9 of the highest-rated and most popular courses that you can enroll in for just $10.

There’s something for every type of entrepreneur: writers can sharpen their pencils with journalist Shani Raja, business owners learn about the enitre lifecyle of a company Chris Haroun, day traders can sweeten their stocks with Jeff Tompkins, and many more!

Even better, most of these courses are great for all skill levels; so whether you want a thorough refresh or an in-depth crash course, you’ll find what you’re looking for.

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2017 will be the best year

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The Best advice for 2017

Quit complaining and count your blessings instead.

Complaining and gratitude are two sides of the same coin, according to science. Whichever you choose to engage in, your brain will quickly get better at. So if you’re constantly negative, you’ll soon excel at spotting problems and deficiencies, while if you make it a point to regularly count your blessings, you’ll teach your brain to tune into all the good in the world.

Make your choice: Complaining or Gratitude?



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Movember is not about the moustache.

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If you lost a son, dad, husband or friend due to cancer or a heart attack, which you felt that it could have been prevented if the illness was detected earlier. If he only went to the doctor earlier. Or if he took his illness more serious.


It is a fact that men die earlier then women. Thus the importance of an event like  Movember to generate awareness of various illnesses related to men.


Men don’t look well after themselves and are more likely to die of heart disease than women. The main reason is that men don’t like to go for check-ups therefore risks, such as poorly treated high blood pressure or unfavorable cholesterol levels will result in heart attacks or strikes.

Men are more likely to commit suicide then women. This is true despite the fact that depression is considered more common among women and women make more (non-fatal) suicide attempts. Some attribute this to the tendency for men to avoid seeking care for depression and the cultural norms that discourage men from seeking help for mental illness.

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History of Movember

Movember all started in 2003 when two mates (Travis Garone and Luke Slattery) meet up for a quiet beer in Melbourne, Australia. It turned into an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness on men’s health, more specifically on illnesses such as prostate cancer and depression.


  1. Must begin the 1st of November with a clean shaven face.
  2. You must grow and groom a moustache for the whole month.
  3. You cannot have a beard – which means no joining your sideburns to your beard.
  4.  Nor can you join your chin to your handlebars.

So next time you see a man with a moustache during November, please remember that it is about awareness.

As a MoBro you are welcome to visit my Fundraising campaign. Donations will be used for programs supporting prostate cancer and testicular cancer initiatives. FAQ

The only charity tackling men’s health on a global scale.
1,200 men’s health projects and counting.
Focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.

Stop men dying too young.

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